Space Foundation Press Releases

Statement on the Nomination of Bill Nelson as the Next NASA Administrator

Written by: Space Foundation Editorial Team

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — March 19, 2021 — Space Foundation, a nonprofit advocate organization founded in 1983, today announced it is encouraged by the nomination of the Honorable Bill Nelson of Florida by President Biden to be the next Administrator of NASA. As the past months and years have shown, today’s global space ecosystem is in an unfolding renaissance of creativity, collaboration and community building.

The public, private and research sectors in the United States and around the world are pioneering a future that will benefit everyone in exploration, in orbit and here on planet Earth. As the new leader of NASA, the next Administrator is coming into an era of remarkable possibilities with new launch systems, commercial vendors, ground-breaking capabilities, a more diverse workforce and more global partners than at any other time in history.

Space Foundation looks forward to working with the former U.S. Senator from Florida and his colleagues at NASA in the days ahead and welcomes him to the 36th Space Symposium this coming August 23-26 at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

About Space Foundation

Space Foundation is a nonprofit advocate organization founded in 1983, offering a gateway to education, information and collaboration for space exploration and space-inspired industries that define the global space ecosystem. Driven by a partnership model, Space Foundation operates three divisions that unite the entire spectrum of stakeholders — business, government, education and local communities — through corporate membership, sponsorship, fundraising and grants. Center for Innovation and Education is a lifelong learning platform, offering workforce development and economic opportunity for students, teachers, entrepreneurs and professionals. Symposium 365 is the premier source for media and events, offering authoritative news and information and venues for networking and conducting business, including the world-renowned Space Symposium and The Space Report. Global Alliance facilitates collaboration around the world for open dialogues and joint programs. Visit Space Foundation at, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.


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Tags: Space Foundation, NASA Administrator, Bill Nelson, space economy, space ecosystem, space exploration

Media Contacts:

Rich Cooper
Vice President, Strategic Communications & Outreach
Space Foundation
(202) 596-0714
[email protected]

Dottie O’Rourke
TECHMarket Communications
(650) 344-1620
[email protected]