Intellectual Property: Pareto’s Enabler of Future Space

Most of us are familiar with the so-called “Pareto Principle”, the theory that 80% of the results derived from 20% of the activity in a given process. This is also known as the “rich-get-richer” principle or the “Matthew Principle” (“For to everyone that has shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him,…

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Blockchain Technology – Understanding its Place in Space

Blockchain, the technology which is underpinning the cryptocurrency revolution, offers business organizations and governments the means to decentralize intermediaries and conduct peer-to-peer transactions using a distributed ledger and immutable records that are cryptographically linked. We continue to hear how about how blockchain will revolutionize the business enterprise. This overview is intended to separate the hype…

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Sorting Fact from Fiction…a UAV User’s Guide to Beyond Line of Sight Connectivity

Current military operations rely on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for a range of Command and Control (C2) and Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions. Many of these missions require Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) communications links which can be implemented using a range of satellite communications (SATCOM) architectures. The range of sizes and capabilities of…

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A Future of Ubiquitous, Real-Time Intelligence

Assessing space technology developments, commercial remote sensing and advances in artificial intelligence, it is reasonable to imagine a future with ubiquitous and near-real time intelligence accessible to the general public and hand-held devices. Civil application could include identifying an empty parking spot from space, tracking autonomous vehicles, or illegal border crossings. The rise of large…

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Astroscale: Developing a Comprehensive Solution for Space Debris Removal

Expected decreases in costs for launch services and satellite manufacturing are leading to a proliferation of new players in the space industry and democratization of activities in low Earth orbit (LEO). This increase in the number of satellites will necessitate new and creative thinking to monitor and regulate an already congested, contested and competitive orbital…

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